Friday, July 10, 2009

Spit up sure does happen a lot

So, after my son woke up and he had eaten lunch, we were off to run an errand. My husbands birthday is on Tuesday but we are having a party for him tomorrow. It's totally like me to leave getting his present until the last minute. After we get to the store and I find what I'm looking for, we head up to the counter. As we are waiting and I'm holding him, he decides to spit up all over me and himself. I don't know why i decided to carry him instead of taking in the stroller. As soon as it happens it's our turn to check out of course. I'm wiping the spit up off of him and myself, when the lady at the counter is telling me how cute he is. I am just thinking, usually he is really cute but he and myself are now covered in spit up. I know it happens ALL the time but this was my first experience with it happening this badly in public.


  1. I can clearly remember when this happened to me the first time... got to love them for it!

  2. Of course it has to happen in public! It's like they plan it that way! ha ha! Great blog! I signed up to follow it. Saw it on the MBC board. Would love to have you check mine out as well. Thanks! :)

  3. i hear ya.... you know, it only happens to me. hubby NEVER gets spit up on... seriously! and my babe is breastfed and he STILL spits up at least once or twice after each feeding. how old is your babe? mine is 6 months!! i'm following you on twitter now too!
