Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Lucky Momma

So, this past weekend we went to visit some family in Kentucky and celebrate his first fourth of July. This was our second trip with Jonah. We had taken him to Florida before, so he had already been on an airplane before. He has really been quite the trooper when it comes to traveling. He does very well on airplanes and doesn't really fuss too much.
This trip taught me that we are very lucky to have such a good baby. I never really knew how happy of a baby he was until everyone was saying how happy he was. They kept saying I've never seen a baby smile so much. He just gives smiles away, where other babies you have to earn them. I guess that's stuff you just never notice until others point it out. It was so nice to be around family, which we don't get to do very much because they all live back east. It was so great to have people help out with him, it makes you realize that saying that it takes a family to raise a child is totally true. Now it's back to reality of just the three of us. I wish we lived closer to family but we love it out here in Colorado and it's a sacrifice we've made to live somewhere we love.
We really are lucky to have him. He has just really started to be so interactive lately and I'm enjoying every minute of it. I wish I could be around for everything but working gets in the way of all the fun I could be having with him. It sure does make me appreciate the time i have with him. Sometimes i just look at him and can't believe I helped create something so cute.

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